The Emotion Code ®

The Emotion Code is a specialized healing treatment designed to create an immense emotional release through a truly transformative approach. By detecting your negative emotions stored in your subconscious mind, we work with you to release these trapped emotions, trauma, pain, and self-sabotage that are causing massive malfunction and imbalance in your mind, body, and soul.

With The Emotion Code program, you will finally have a revolutionary healing tool that eradicates your emotional trauma that has been holding you back. So, what would a life free from all your trapped emotions feel like?

Book your session today and experience
the freedom you seek and deserve


What are Trapped Emotions? 

Emotions play a critical role in your life. All emotions have the capacity to affect your mental and physical health for better or worse. There are times when emotions are suppressed and not fully processed. Those emotions can become trapped somewhere in your body which can influence everything you do, how you react to the world around you, and how you connect to the universe and all the abundance in any every area that your life has to offer. The average adult is said to have more than 300 trapped emotions, which can disrupt your happiness, your success and your health.

Trapped Emotions are destructive in every way possible. The more they are in control of your life, the more you are going to have things show up within your body in many forms.  Everyone has emotional baggage caused by painful life events, and this emotional baggage is what your Trapped Emotions are. You are holding on to a suitcase full of negatively charged emotional energy. Sometimes these trapped emotions can be out of your control.  In addition to your own emotional baggage, you can also inherit trapped emotions from your parents or your ancestors, and possibly absorb them from people who surround you. 

Our Emotion Code healing program is your ultimate Trapped Emotions eradicator. We work with you to release them to bring balanced conditions to your mind, body, and soul so your body can recover. As you recover, you will find that life becomes easier and conspires to work on your behalf.

What is Heart-Wall Healing?

Our Heart-Wall Healing is a revolutionary approach to bring balance into your life. Often in your life, you may have found yourself in a situation where you felt heartache or even heartbroken. Your heart is the core of your being. It’s where all your energy radiates out into the universe. The more heartache you experience in your life, the more it can cause your body to create an energy wall around your heart to protect it.

Every beat of your heart sends messages into every cell in your body and your brain. But this Heart-Wall can prevent you from having a meaningful relationship filled with connection and love.

That’s because this energy wall is made up entirely of negatively charged energy. The Emotion Code can erase and remove all these negative energies and create love and abundance throughout every area of your life.

 Book a FREE discovery call with me now
& start manifesting what you desire today!