Don't we all have something that we want to change in our life at some point?  

Do you feel like you know there is much more out there than your current reality is, but you just don't know what it could be and what it means to you yet?

Do you feel that there are blocks in your life that pull you back to where you are no matter what you do and how hard you try to expand your limit?

What if you could change the thoughts, emotions and feelings which limit you?

What if there is a way to quickly tap into your inner knowing and start creating the life which you desire?

If you are ready to explore the unlimited possibilities in your life, you are at the right place.

With the tools of Access Bars®, I can help you to expand your capacity to access your infinite potential with ease, joy and glory! 

What is Access Bars®?

Access Bars® is a hands-on energy healing therapy. They have 32 energy points on your head, and when they are gently touched, it unlocks and releases anything that blocks you from feeling joy and ease.

These 32 energy points correspond with all the different levels of consciousness which includes your creativity, money, power, awareness, joy, sadness, sexuality, body, aging, hopes, healing etc that you have stored from your current life as well as your past lives. 

Each Bars session can release years of blockages in the area of your life that corresponds with the Bars energy points that have limited your life. 

This is an incredibly relaxing and soothing process, unblocking limitations in all aspects of your life without any effort or side effect. All you need to do is to lay there and receive the therapy.

You can walk out of a session feeling a sense of total ease and freedom, unlike anything else, that starts to change your whole life.

What happens in an Access Bars session? 

Very simple. You just lay down and receive your session. 

It is an incredibly relaxing and soothing therapy.

You don't have to do or think about anything. For the entire process you will be lying down, facing up and fully clothed. 

To initiate the healing process, I will start pulling energy so that the energy move through your body. From then on, the whole session will be focused on your head with the practitioner gently touching various points.