
Any energy healing practiced by Hiromi Akiyama, in person or by proxy, is not a substitute for medical care. Energy healing may promote harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal. Energy healing is widely recognized as a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care. This information is not intended as medical advice and is not medical diagnosis or treatment. Information given to you by Hiromi Akiyama is not intended to create physician-patient relationship, nor should be considered a replacement a healthcare professional. Any questions or concerns should be directed to a healthcare provider.

Also, these energy healing methods are not a replacement for any professional psycho- therapeutic or counseling sessions in the treatment of any mental health issues or disorders. Hiromi Akiyama makes no claims to healing or recovering any illness.  This information is offered as a service and is not meant to replace any medical treatment. No guarantee is made towards effectiveness or validity. Use this information at your own discretion. Healing sessions are confidential and personal information will never be shared.